Sunday, August 17, 2008

My Life...An Authorized Biography

I met my husband online in '99 and we met and began dating in Jan '00. We were married in January '01. He is a graphic artist/web designer from NJ. We recently separated and are heading for a divorce. We don't have any children but we do have 2 Jack Russel Terriers, JR & Sissy (brother and sister), who are my kids and the loves of my life. They are the true definition of unconditional love.

I am disabled due to an incomplete SCI and in a wheelchair for over 9 years. I can still move and feel, just can't depend on them to do what they are supposed stand up and walk :-)

I always wanted to be a writer and a lawyer when I grew up. My family and friends thought that was a great idea. As it turns out, they were right. I am starting to do freelance writing again and am planning on going back to school for my law degree through home study.

I love to drive at night on the interstate. I know it seems silly but I find the stream of headlights behind me relaxing. Turn on the radio or CD and I am set. If I am not driving to relax then I am listening to music and playing with my "kids".

My heroes are Jesus Christ, for all of the obvious reasons. My Mother, for her strength and devotion. My Grandmother, because she is the strongest woman I have ever known. My husband, King, for all he has done for me during our life together. He left everything and everyone he knew to be with me. He was not only my husband and friend, he was also my caregiver from the moment we met. He had to do many things that most men, or women, would not do. He did them without a single complaint and out of love. I will always love him and wish only love, health and happiness in his life. And last but not least, my best friend of 30+ years, Craig Vander Vennet, for his loving & giving nature and for his understanding and perseverance in life.

I lived in VA Beach for about 10 years and worked as a hotel manager for my best friend's family who owned a couple of ocean front hotels. I also am a licensed private investigator and worked both in VA Beach and Waynesboro. I no longer work as a PI and I do miss being able to help people. I moved back here for "love". Well, the love left but I stayed...haha.

The one person from my past who I'd most like to see again is David Layman, because he was, without a doubt, my first and only love, until my husband. I would like to thank him for all that he gave to me and has meant to my life. He taught me what real love is and both how to give and receive it. I truly hope his life is filled with love and blessings.

I love playing with my kids JR & Sissy (Jack Russel Terriers), Music 60's-Now, Reading, Writing, Internet, Shopping, Playing Sudoku, Chess, Spending time with friends, Advocating for the Disabled and Studying Law.

My taste in music is varied, but includes: 60's-Now, Love 8o's rock, 70's love songs, The Doors, Elton John, One Republic, Hinder, Nickelback, Mika, Bon Jovi, The Eagles, Coldplay, Goo Goo Dolls, Kiss, Meat Loaf, Staind, Enrique Iglesias, The Police, REM, Foo Fighters and many more.

My taste in movies is just as varied and includes : Anything SciFi, Drama, Horror, Comedy, Independent Films, Schindler's List, Crimson Tide, The Day After, anything with Cary Grant.

When it comes to TV, I enjoy anything that teaches me something as well as a wide variety of shows. The list includes: Lost, Dr. Phil, Ghost Hunters, On The Record w/Greta Van Susteren, Big Brother, 48 Hrs. Mystery,The First 48, Chelsea Lately, Weeds, Gene Simmons Family Jewels, Miami Ink, CSI, House, Bones, People's Court, Judge Judy, Open Session, most reality tv. The channels I watch most are SciFi, TruTV, VH1, FNC, A&E, LIFE, LMN, OXGN, AMC, TCM, FMC, BRVO, DSC, ID, SHO, TMC, FLIX, SUND, IFC.

I am an avid reader and will read just about anything I can get my hands on. The internet is a treasure trove of knowledge and I enjoy surfing for new and interesting articles and books to stimulate my mind and creativity. Some of my all time favorites are: Anything Stephen King or Anne Rule, Biographies, Court Cases, Poetry, The Left Behind Series and The Bible.

I guess the three biggest surprises in my life have been not being able to have children, my SCI and all that has ensued from it and my separation and pending divorce. I have such a love and longing for children and always assumed my home would be filled with the love that they bring. Accepting the loss of this dream is still something I struggle with. My SCI definitely changed everything in my life and most changes were difficult and burdensome. However, I would not change anything because I have grown so much from each experience and struggle. It has brought me closer to God and to my family. As for my marriage....what can I say. I never thought I would end up getting a divorce. I don't believe in them and I don't want one. Unfortunately that is out of my control and I can not change what is in his heart, if I could...I would. I know in my heart the marriage could be saved but he has moved on. He has been my life for 9 years but it is time now for me to move on as well and start over. I am still not sure how to do that and I will be completely honest and admit that it makes me mad as h*** that I even have to. Faith in God, my family and friends will guide me through.

If I could improve my home, I'd remodel my bathroom, bedroom and kitchen. I would add on a deck and hot tub. My dream home would be completely handicap accessible, with an open floor plan. It would have plenty of natural light and a fenced in yard with a deck and hot tub.

I would love to see my American History and US Government teacher, A.J. "Buddy" Hullet again. He made class fun and interesting. He always had time for his students and made each one feel special. He inspired the thirst for knowledge in us.

If I won $100 million, I'd give $70 million of it to various charities and individuals with great needs. I would then give $10 million to my family, so they would never want or need for anything again. I would also give $10 million to my closest friends who have stood by me over the years and who I know would put the money to good use and it would change their lives. Finally, I would keep $10 million for myself so I would never have to worry about healthcare or living expenses again.

To be truly happy I guess I would be living on the ocean front and working as a lawyer/advocate for the disabled and disadvantaged. I don't know who I would be with, but I guess to be truly happy all one needs is to be happy with ones self and the rest will follow.

I recently turned 40. When I was 12, I thought that people my age now would be old and boring. I was so completely wrong! We are just getting started.

I have no idea where my first crush is today. I was in kindergarten (yes, I started young) and he was in my class. We went all through school together but I have not seen him in over 20 years. His name is Tony Helmick. I hope life has treated him well.

I share my home with my two kids, JR & Sissy (Jack Russell Terriers) and my caregiver & her son, who moved in when my husband left. I am finding it challenging and difficult at times but my kids get me through the rough spots, and I am learning how to share my space with a new person after all of these years.

If I could do one thing differently in my life it would be to have gone to law school right out of high school. It is so much harder the older you get.

In 10 years, I hope to be an attorney and helping those who can not help themselves. I'm going to get there by working hard and never giving up on myself. I have, in many ways, always been more afraid of success than failure and that is something I must overcome.

I met Craig Vander Vennet when I was 9 years old. He was 5 years older than me and he helped out at his parent's hotel in VA Beach where my mother and I were staying. We became friends over the years and we have been through hell and back with, and because of, each other. We have grown together over the years in so many ways and I can not imagine my life without him in it. He is the first person I call when something happens in my life, good or bad. He has such a giving and compassionate nature and I am truly in awe of him. He is my BEST FRIEND. He is one of my heroes and I love him completely, heart & soul.

I guess the one childhood memory I will never forget is going fishing with my mom, dad and brothers on a piece of land we owned. I started my love affair with dogs at a very early proven by this event. I was probably 4 years old and everything was "doggy" to me. Well, my dad caught, of all things, a CATfish and I would not shut up until I got to kiss the "doggy". Well, you guessed it...I kissed that catfish right on it's cold little lips :-) It wasn't the greatest kiss I ever had but it was the most memorable and it did nothing to hinder my love of the almighty "doggy".

Well, I guess I have said all there is to say. Life is a journey and I hope this has only been the beginning.